
My group studies a broad range of topics related to planet and star formation. Some of the driving questions include:

  • What are the key physical processes that drive various patterns we see in exoplanet population?
  • How do different stellar properties affect the emerging planetary systems?
  • How do dust grains, the initial building material of planets, organize themselves in protoplanetary disks?

Recent highlights



    See below opportunities. Interested applicants are highly encouraged to reach out to me.

Graduate students

Undergraduate students

  • Lina D'Aoust (Trottier Summer Intern '24 --> Honours thesis, U Victoria)

Former members

Yayaati Chachan (CITA National Fellow '24 --> Postdoc w/ Jonathan Fortney @ UC Santa Cruz), Amy Steele (PDF '23 w/ Nicolas Cowan --> Director of Astronomy and Research, Yerkes Observatory), Tim Hallatt (McGill PhD '24 --> Postdoc w/ Sarah Millholland @ MIT), Rafael Fuentes (PhD of Andrew Cumming '22, MITACS intern --> Postdoc @ CU Boulder), Maya Tatarelli (McGill MSc '24 --> PhD @ Côte d'Azur), Amalia Karalis (McGill MSc '24), Kevin Marimbu (McGill MSc '24), Noah Goldman (McGill MSc '23 --> Neuroimaging Engineer, Washington University in St. Louis), Cheryl Wang (McGill MSc '23 w/ Nicolas Cowan --> PhD Engineering, McGill), Emilia Vlahos (NSERC USRA '23, McGill UG '24), Luca Camarra (NSERC USRA '24, McGill), Antoine Bourdin (McGill UG '23), Philip Richard (McGill UG '23 --> PhD Physics, U Toronto), Abigail Denney (McGill UG '22 --> PhD Astronomy, U Toronto), Mattias Lazda (McGill UG '22 --> PhD Astronomy, U Toronto), Robin Leman (McGill UG '22 --> Associate Programmer, Relic Entertainment), Michael Poon (Toronto UG '21 --> PhD Astronomy, U Toronto), Dasen Ye (McGill UG '21 --> MSc Physics, McGill), Nicholas Connors (McGill UG '19 --> Software Engineer, Matrox Imaging --> MSc, U de Montreal), Jonathan Lin (UC Berkeley UG '18 w/ Eugene Chiang --> PhD Physics & Astro, UCLA, NSF GRFP)

Interested in joining?


Courses developed:

  • (Grad) PHYS 601/602: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Physics 1/2
  • This is a professional development course series designed to address faculty-student gap in expectations, build a sense of community and cohort, and to equip students with skills in e.g., proposal writing, effective teaching, scientific communication, data management, and comprehensive oral exams.

Courses taught:

UC San Diego
  • (Grad) ASTR 210: Planets and Exoplanets
  • (UG) PHYS 340/350: Majors/Honours Electricity and Magnetism
  • (UG) PHYS 432: Physics of Fluids
  • (Grad) PHYS 642: Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
  • (Grad) PHYS 643: Astrophysical Fluids